Pet Boarding Tokyo Reservation Form
Booking form for Pet Boarding Tokyo. We provide dog homestay service at vet's house. 
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Email *
Your name 飼い主様のお名前 *
Phone number お電話番号 *
Number of dogs to be boarded 何頭でのご利用ですか *
Your dog name わんちゃんのお名前 *
Date of Check-In チェックインご希望日 *
Date of Check-Out チェックアウトご希望日 *

1-Night, 2-Night Stays: Extension fees will apply if the stay exceeds the standard time of 24 hours for 1 night or 48 hours for 2 nights. A fee of 1500 yen is charged for each additional 3-hour period.


Dog breed わんちゃんの種類(例:柴犬) *
The weight of your dog (kg) わんちゃんの体重 *
The gender of your dog わんちゃんの性別 *
*Additional 1000 yen per night for unneutered/unspayed dogs. Dogs in heat not accepted.
The age of your dog わんちゃんの年齢 *
*Additional 1000 yen per night for dogs under 6 months. 
Your dog is 該当する項目にチェックしてください *
Have you used flea and tick prevention medicine within a month?  1か月以内のノミダニ予防薬の使用 *
Price 値段 *
*Additional 1000 yen per night will be added to the following prices for unneutered/unspayed dogs.
*Additional 1000 yen per night will be added to the following prices for dogs under 6 months.
Meeting point of Check-In date チェックイン時お受け渡し場所 *
Meeting point of Check-Out date チェックアウト時お受け渡し場所 *
Is it ok to let your dog walk and play with other dogs? ほかのわんちゃんと一緒にお散歩してもいいですか? *
We may let your dog stay and walk with other dog(s) if they are good to each other. 相性がよさそうな場合に、一緒にお散歩してもよいですか
Payment お支払い *
Can we show your dog's photo on our SNS?(Instagram, Facebook, etc.)  わんちゃんのお写真をSNSに載せてもいいですか
Preferred  Method  of Contact ご希望の連絡方法 *
Grooming Options グルーミング(オプション)
Veterinary care options during boarding 獣医療メニュー(オプション)
Anything to be noted 特記事項
Please read our terms and conditions. A cancellation fee applies if canceled the day before or later.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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